Young Friends of the Earth Europe

With our “Empower Youth” project, we set out to make young people across Europe – especially those politically aware but under-represented or not yet active – feel connected and ready to engage in political processes while channelling their worries, concerns and ideas into meaningful action.

In spring 2023 the second training camp of the project took place in a Hungarian forest near Budapest. It brought together 40 young people from across Europe. Participants were trained as campaigners and communicators, equipped with the skills to empower others, including those from traditionally marginalised groups, like the LGBTIQ+ community, refugees and people of colour. The camp provided comprehensive capacity building, utilising popular education methods, and giving many opportunities for the participants to shape the programme. We enhanced participants’ awareness, competencies, confidence, and resilience, enabling them to actively contribute to a more sustainable and democratic Europe in the years ahead.

© Young FoEE