Member highlights
Austria vs. new GMOs

The EU Commission aims to scrap proven regulations for genetically modified plants. We addressed the false sustainability claims of the GMO-industry and raised awareness of the huge problem of patent claims on all “New Genomic Techniques” (NGT).
We kickstarted an EU-wide petition for transparency and strict regulation that collected more than 420 000 signatures. Due to this pressure from citizens, Austria’s conservative-greens government has taken a clear position supporting strict regulation and labelling and has forged alliances with other governments.
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PFAS in our blood

Belgium (Flanders and Brussels)
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are chemicals that do not break down in our bodies or the environment. Despite being extremely harmful, they are widely used by various industries.
Together with local action committees against pollution of Ronse, Kruisem, Ostend, Kortemark and Stabroek, we organised blood tests for PFAS. The analysis of 140 samples shows that 3 out of 4 people tested have PFAS levels in their blood that exceed the health standard.
After demonstrations and motions in local councils, the Minister of Health announced that she will extend the PFAS blood tests to other pollution hotspots in 2025. Climaxi and the local committees are still pushing for legislation to make the polluter pay.
Read more >Depicting post-growth societies

Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels)
Our system, and the capitalist paradigm of ‘growth’, clearly shows its limits. It is time to explore other alternative paths and to propose economic, political, social, and family ‘post-growth’ possibilities to redefine the foundations of a sustainable and just society.
In 2023, we organised more than 20 public screenings of the documentary film “Moins & Mieux. Vers une société post-croissance” that we co-produced. This documentary depicts a range of degrowth alternatives, all contributing to a collective project for a society based on simplicity, solidarity, sustainability, and well-being.
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Local community suing against lignite mine

Bosnia and Herzegovina
In 2023, the residents of the Local Community of Bistrica in Bosnia and Herzegovina filed a lawsuit against the concessionaire, the City of Prijedor and the Republic of Srpska for activities related to the opening of a lignite mine on Bistrica territory.
The lawsuit is unique because it was filed by a group of residents of a local community threatened by the harmful implementation of the disputed concession, against the concessionaire, the city and one of the entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This is the first case of its kind in the country, and we contributed to it.
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Safer cycling in Sofia

Through our ongoing campaign efforts, we are fostering robust community awareness aimed at enhancing and securing safer bikeways throughout Sofia. Given the city’s pronounced air pollution crisis, tied to traffic congestion, it is imperative that we strive for improved urban infrastructure to cultivate a cleaner, healthier urban landscape with reduced car dependency and safe pathways for pedestrians and cyclists. We have organised community events, produced impactful films depicting the consequences of inadequate cycling infrastructure, and gathered thousands of signatures on our petition. These efforts have prompted discussions with local authorities, signalling progress toward necessary reforms.
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People 1, incinerator 0

The campaign against the proposed incinerator at KBC Rebro, co-led by us and the Citizens’ Initiative “Stop the Rebro Incinerator”, achieved success through rigorous advocacy and highlighting planning discrepancies. As a result, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development suspended the environmental impact assessment, effectively halting the construction of the incinerator. This victory underscores citizen power in resisting harmful projects and emphasises the need for sustainable waste management solutions. Despite this victory, ongoing vigilance is crucial to advocate for lasting change in waste management practices.
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Sharing the energy

Last year was a crucial year for community energy in the Czech Republic. There is a great interest in community energy, especially among municipalities. That is why we successfully pushed through a law that allows individuals, municipalities, local companies, and associations to establish energy communities and practically share energy.
We also established our first energy cooperative in December. The cooperative has more than 200 members and is working on its first projects.
>Our goal for 2024 is to raise awareness, help create new communities, and share our knowledge. We will strive to bring its first kilowatts online and start sharing energy with its members.
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Preserving the right to opt out of GMOs

In 2023, the European Commission proposed to allow GMOs in our food and to exempt new GMOs from current requirements for risk assessment, traceability, and labelling. Together with a broad Danish coalition, we fought to preserve people’s ability to opt out of GMOs.
We launched a nationwide petition demanding that all GMOs continue to be risk assessed, labelled and traceable from farm to fork. GMOs are a false solution to the food crisis. NOAH advocates for agroecological, regenerative agriculture instead.
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The harmony of nature and clean energy

To meet renewable energy goals, many countries are pushing to expedite permitting procedures and impact assessments for renewable energy projects, but this must be done carefully to also account for biodiversity preservation.
Our campaign “Renewable Energy and Biodiversity Can Coexist” addresses this crucial issue. Through initiatives like a video and a webinar, we sought to minimize the negative impact of renewable projects on ecosystems.
A roundtable discussion for representatives of municipalities, ministries and the European Commission further delved into challenges and solutions. By fostering dialogue and innovation, we aim to inspire the development of renewable energy parks that nurture biodiversity while advancing carbon neutrality. It is vital to safeguard our planet’s natural diversity as we pursue cleaner energy solutions.
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10 years after the Rana Plaza tragedy, we launched a campaign against overproduction in the fashion sector, to tackle its dire human rights and climate consequences. Investigative work on Shein, the Chinese ultra-fast-fashion giant, revealed the scale of problem: on average, Shein adds more than 7,200 new clothing models to its online website every day. This figure, widely reported by the media, has made a lasting impression on public opinion and the need to tackle the fast-fashion model. During Black Friday we – as part of the #StopFastFashion coalition – called for a law against fast-fashion. The law has been tabled and is awaiting approval in the Senate.
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Youth Forum for Sustainable Development and Europe

At the beginning of 2023, we created a Youth Forum for Sustainable Development and European Integration and prepared a memorandum of cooperation with universities in Georgia. The forum aims to increase the awareness, involvement, and participation of young people in the decision-making process, and to present and reflect innovative visions on sustainable development work in Georgia. The first stage of the forum was held in a discussion-panel format in 12 universities. At the plenary event 92 speakers prepared articles, which were subsequently published.
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12,000 kids go meat free

We organised a comprehensive campaign to implement weekly meat free days in public schools. We approached authorities, local governments, catering companies, and organised school activities. 12,000 children actively participated in the actions in 200+ schools. Six public catering companies changed their menu in 110 municipalities to provide more than 130,000 meat-free meals weekly. The issue of a weekly meat-free meal has become a topic of daily discussion in the catering sector.
Stop fracked gas imports!

The fossil fuel industry is trying to develop the Shannon LNG terminal which risks fracked gas imports to Ireland. In September 2023 we had a big win when planning permission for the terminal was rejected on the grounds that the terminal would fall foul of a government policy that introduced a moratorium on LNG and fracked gas imports. This policy came about thanks to years of campaigning by FoE Ireland and grassroots activists. This fight is not over as the company has appealed the decision. But this rejection was a major step in preventing fossil fuel lock-in!
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Engaging in local and national elections

Alongside the municipal elections, parliamentary elections took place in Luxembourg in 2023, marking a crucial juncture in the political landscape. In the run-up to these, we organised numerous participatory member forums. These fora were instrumental in formulating a comprehensive roadmap comprising 152 pages of detailed policy recommendations.
Leading up to the elections, all political parties were invited to participate in two widely attended roundtable discussions focusing on agriculture, environmental conservation, nature preservation, and economic growth. These discussions served as platforms where parties grappled with the demands we put forth, adding depth to the electoral discourse.
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Turning an old bakery into a sustainability hub

We ran a successful crowdfunding campaign which raised over 30 000 euro to turn an old bakery on Comino, a small island, into a hub of sustainability. The hub will champion education about Comino’s natural and cultural heritage. Earning the backing of more than 100 donors, companies, and organisations, we have started the basic restoration works including windows, doors, and basic security to prevent vandalism. Over the years, the island itself has been rapidly taken over by the interests of big business with a push to intensify activities at the blue lagoon. The bakery project, il-Forn ta’ Kemmuna, seeks to raise awareness of the issues faced by the island.
Read more >Shareholder activism to achieve the Paris agreement

The Netherlands
Following our historic victory in the Climate Case against Shell in 2021, we aimed to confront other major Dutch polluters. After our publication of the Climate Crisis Index in 2022, which revealed that 29 polluters’ climate plans fell short of Paris Agreement goals, in 2023 we started to mobilize hundreds of volunteers to buy shares in these companies. This enabled them to attend shareholder meetings, demanding a commitment to a 45% CO2 emissions reduction by 2030. While most companies responded negatively, increasing the risk of further climate damage and potential lawsuits, some, like construction company BAM, car producer Stellantis, and pension fund PFZW, agreed. This marks a giant step toward a significant reduction in global emissions.
Read more >Working to defend the fjords

We sued the Norwegian state over permits to dump mining waste in the pristine Førdefjorden. Since 2009, we’ve worked to save this fjord from being turned into a waste dump for the mining industry. Activists have done extensive political lobbying, campaigning and activism to stop the plans.
The case was heard through 10 days in court. Sadly, we lost the case. The permits were declared legal. We appealed in Februrary 2024. The case is also being taken to the European level through the ESA Court, who will provide a legal consideration to the Court of Appeal.
Read more >Broad interest in the issue of factory farming
At the end of 2023 we organised a debate on the impact of industrial farms on the natural environment and human health. Almost 140 people took part. The debate included a broad range of experts, including from universities, NGOs, agricultural chambers, agricultural advisory centres, landscape parks, sanitary inspection, environmental protection directorates, local authorities, and sanitary-epidemiological stations. The big and broad participation shows how serious the issue of factory farms is in Poland. After the debate we shared our recommendations on factory farming with the Ministry of Agriculture.
Read more >Fossil free politics

Our research revealed almost 800 meetings between oil and gas companies and Scottish parliamentarians or Scottish Government Ministers in recent years. The research made front page news and exposed how these companies are using their power to delay climate action, push dodgy technology and cozy up to politicians. We are demanding that new rules are created, using the example of how tobacco lobbyists are excluded from public health decision making, to defend climate policy from oil company influence.
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Fighting climate change by collecting kitchen waste

Maintaining the obligation to collect kitchen biowaste in households is our greatest success in 2023. It was a tough fight! We collaborated on the preparation of the relevant provisions in the legislation, and took part in demanding negotiations with opponents. Now 85% of the population in Slovakia participates in one of the systems for the collection of kitchen biowaste: the separate collection of kitchen biowaste from households (45%), joint collection of kitchen and garden biowaste (17%), or for home composting (36%).
Read more >Power to the people – an energy community in a mining region

In a former Slovenian mining region, we facilitated a bottom-up process of establishing the Green Hrastnik energy cooperative and led its first community energy project – installing a 300 kW photovoltaic power plant for collective self-consumption on the Hrastnik primary school. Powering 16 households, the school, town hall, swimming pool, shop, and two companies, it is Slovenia’s first example of a cooperative self-consumption project. Embracing the ideal of “power to the people”, we brought together the Municipality of Hrastnik and engaged citizens on a democratic basis. Our pioneering cooperative model, emphasising solidarity-based management of common resources and environmental sustainability, is poised to catalyse a wave of community energy projects in Slovenia.
Read more >Nos Plantamos for food sovereignty

We have promoted the creation of “Nos Plantamos”, a national alliance with farmers and land workers as protagonists, demanding care for the environment and rural areas, and offering consumers healthy, quality, and local food.
The movement started with hundreds of people belonging to more than 50 social, environmental, consumer and agricultural organisations. We gathered to join strengths and demand a fairer, more sustainable, and respectful food model for the rural world on the occasion of a meeting of EU Agriculture Ministers in Spain. The movement is growing and planning its next steps.
Read more >Lady Justice in Stockholm

Our campaigns against corporate power brought our different branches closer to each other. In early 2023 our activist group on corporate power was reborn. In October we worked with FoEE to bring the 10-meter-high inflatable statue of “Lady Justice ” to Stockholm to call attention to the injustice of the international system, and were joined by our older members. During the same period, our partners from UDAPT in Ecuador visited. Besides advocacy work they joined us for our annual member’s meeting where members aged 20-80 gathered to discuss corporate power, system change and activism.
Read more >Biodiversity as a chain of domino blocks

As biodiversity loss accelerates in Switzerland and no measures have been taken by the government after the Convention on Biological Diversity COP in 2022, we gathered in front of the Swiss Parliament on the International Day for Biodiversity, to ring the alarm to the public a few months before the Swiss general elections.
With giant dominos, featuring images of threatened species that were brought to fall in a chain reaction 5 minutes before 12, the symbolism was clear: biodiversity loss is an ongoing tragedy, and Human beings – portrayed on the last domino piece – are ultimately in danger if nothing is done to stop the destruction.
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