With members and allies, we arduously advocated for policies that make food systems more sustainable and called out the root causes of biodiversity loss. We denounced the delays on and weakening of key policy files on food, farming, and nature.

We mobilised citizens to maintain new GMOs labelled and safety-checked and engaged new stakeholders and experts into the public debate on pesticides. We worked on the need to regulate industrial animal farming, and implement the regulation for deforestation-free products. We co-organised solidarity actions against projects that would cause damage to nature and local populations, such as the extension of the Struma motorway in Bulgaria and the growing number of hydroelectric projects in Europe.

“When are policy-makers going to wake up and stop choosing a toxic industry’s interests over the citizens they’re supposed to represent?”
Clara Bourgin, food, agriculture, and nature campaigner told Politico

Pesticides at the eye of the storm

We campaigned on key files related to the EU Biodiversity Strategy such as the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation), and took part in campaigning activities around the Nature Restoration Law . While we did some great work to increase public awareness on key threats to biodiversity in the EU through traditional and social media, the political opposition, and the corporate lobby against these important files led to them being rejected by the European Parliament.

“When certain MEPs strongly push back against EU pesticide law and binding reduction goals, and more broadly against European environmental commitments, it’s clear that intensive industry lobbying is behind it.”
Clara Bourgin, food, agriculture and nature campaigner told DeSmog
© Quentin Hugo / The Left

Decoding digital farming

We facilitated learning and exchange on digital farming with our allies. Peasant farmers already face highly concentrated markets for seeds, pesticides or fertilisers, and now a handful of corporations also seek to gain further control over farms through big data. We countered claims from policy makers, corporate interests, and some researchers about the necessity of digitalising agriculture and published a report on remote control and peasant intelligence to stir debate on the topic.

© Kiko Romero and Maria Romero Blasco / FoE Europe

GMO Excuse Generator

Ahead of the publication of the draft legislation on new GMOs, to push back on far-reaching deregulation, we coordinated a letter to European Green Deal Commissioner Timmermans and mobilised more than 300 organisations to sign it, leading to a meeting with Timmermans. Unfortunately, the draft legislation erases environmental safety checks, transparency,and monitoring. Ahead of Council debates, we published briefings on corporate influence of the legislation, on labelling of new GMOs and on greenwashing. We launched a creative online campaign tool using Artificial Intelligence to raise awareness on the absurd excuses towhy new GMO cannot be labelled.

“…it was essential labelling requirements remain so that consumers could make informed choices. The need to label has effectively prevented sales of GM food items to EU consumers.”
Mute Schimpf, food and farming campaigner said to Reuters
© FoE Europe

Our Campaigns

Corporate power

Food, Farming and Nature

Resource Justice & Sustainability

Climate Justice & Energy

Solidarity Work

Youth Empowerment